Terms And Condition

Welcome to the World Wide Publication website!

The following terms and conditions are an outline of the terms and conditions of the World Wide Publication website located at https://www.worldwidepublication.com/.

I expect that you will accept all the rules written on this website and receive from this website and use the access to each page of the website. and bind us to our use of this website in accordance with those terms.

1. While writing content on this website, you should always keep in mind that regardless of the language in which you are writing the content, 80 percent of the words should be in that language. And since our website is made in Bengali language, 80% words should be written in Bengali language while writing content on this website and if you write content in English then 80% content language should be kept in English. Apart from this, content cannot be written by mixing languages ​​or words.

2. And in writing an article or a report, the most important thing should be written in Bengali language, English language cannot be used there. Or in case of mixing language in writing post, that language cannot be distorted but in case of additional need, a small amount of Bengali and English can be mixed and posted.

3. Always be careful not to copy someone else while writing. Pleasureism should always be avoided. In case of need or for any reason, Google or other's writings cannot be stolen.

4. Posts that violate copyright laws may never be posted. Apart from this, postings that hurt racial discrimination or religious issues cannot be made. And can't be used to belittle someone for personal gain or use defamatory or provocative obscene words. It is most important to keep these things in mind while making a report.

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6. And our website and World Wide Publication have the right to remove all types of offensive or inappropriate comments. Because it is not against our rules and regulations.

7. We never accept posts shorter than 1000 words minimum to be published on our website. In addition, the feature image of the post should be created and added to the post. If you post fake ads or copy posts anywhere on our website, you will be blocked or canceled directly.

8. The structure or design of our website may not be copied without our permission. We are ready to take legal action if you do this or break our rules.

9. Please contact us directly if you absolutely need to run any advertisement or promotion.

10. We are not permitted to link to other World Wide Publication artworks and logos without a trademark license agreement.

11. We never guarantee that the information on this website is 100% accurate. Because the reports published on our website may not be current but we keep updating them according to current trends.

12. The admin of this website has the power to change the entire policy or infrastructure of this website or cancel any reader.

If you have any comments or feedback regarding our policies, please contact:

Whatsapp number: 01763522143


1. nahidhasanweb122448@gmail.com

2. worldwidepublication36@gmail.com


Nahid Hasan

Admin - World Wide Publication


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